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Mastering Bash File Appending: Redirection vs. Tee Command


When working with Bash, appending text to a file is a common task, and fortunately, there are multiple methods to achieve this. This article explores various approaches to appending text to a file in Bash.

To append text to a file, ensure that you have the necessary write permissions; otherwise, you may encounter a permission denied error.

Append to a File using the Redirection Operator (>>)

The >> redirection operator allows you to append output to a specified file. Commonly used commands for printing text to the standard output and redirecting it to a file are echo and printf.

echo "this is a new line" >> file.txt

With the -e option, echo interprets backslash-escaped characters, such as newline (\n):

echo -e "this is a new line \nthis is another new line" >> file.txt

For more complex output, the printf command allows you to specify the formatting:

printf "Hello, I'm %s.\n" $USER >> file.txt

Another method is using the Here document (Heredoc) to pass multiple lines of input to a command:

cat << EOF >> file.txt
The current working directory is: $PWD
You are logged in as: $(whoami)

Appending the output of any command to a file is possible; for example, using the date command:

date +"Year: %Y, Month: %m, Day: %d" >> file.txt

When using redirection, be cautious not to overwrite important existing files with the > operator.

Append to a File using the tee Command

The tee command reads from standard input and writes to both standard output and one or more files simultaneously. To append output to a file, use tee with the -a or --append option:

echo "this is a new line" | tee -a file.txt

To prevent tee from writing to standard output, redirect it to /dev/null:

echo "this is a new line" | tee -a file.txt >/dev/null

tee has advantages over the >> operator, allowing simultaneous appending to multiple files and writing to files owned by other users with sudo.

To append text to a file without write permissions, use sudo with tee:

echo "this is a new line" | sudo tee -a file.txt

To append text to multiple files, specify the files as arguments:

echo "this is a new line" | tee -a file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt


Whether using the >> redirection operator or the tee command, appending text to a file in Bash offers flexibility based on your specific needs. The >> operator is simple and effective, while tee provides additional capabilities such as writing to multiple files and handling permissions with sudo. Choose the method that best suits your requirements.

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